Everton Hyundai Open Triples
A popular annual event hosted by Milford on Sea Bowls Club.
The competition is open to members of any bowls club affiliated to either Bournemouth & District or New Forest Bowling Associations.
Teams may be mixed, all female or all male and team members must be from the same club.
Three games in the round robin stage guaranteed, followed by a knockout competition leading to the final.
Prize money £150 for the winners and £75 for the Runners Up
Parking fee for car park for one car per entry refunded on production of the ticket.
Light refreshments, pre-booked lunches (see Entry Form) Our Bar will be open from 12pm on the day
Entries + £15 entry fee per team requested as soon as possible. Payment by BACS to Milford on Sea Bowls (account info on Entry form)
Dress code: Whites / Clubs colours
Entry forms may be downloaded from our website
or requested from Paul Ware-Lane pware.lane@yahoo.co.uk
along with a copy of the Competition rules
Our grateful thanks to our Sponsors EVERTON HYUNDAI GARAGE