Everton Hyundai Open Triples

A popular annual event hosted by Milford on Sea Bowls Club.

The competition is open to members of any bowls club affiliated to either Bournemouth & District or New Forest Bowling Associations.

 Teams may be mixed, all female or all male and team members must be from the same club.
 Three games in the round robin stage guaranteed, followed by a knockout competition leading to the final.
 Prize money £150 for the winners and £75 for the Runners Up
 Parking fee for car park for one car per entry refunded on production of the ticket.
 Light refreshments, pre-booked lunches (see Entry Form) Our Bar will be open from 12pm on the day
 Entries + £15 entry fee per team requested as soon as possible. Payment by BACS to Milford on Sea Bowls (account info on Entry form)

Dress code: Whites / Clubs colours

Entry forms may be downloaded from our website

or requested from Paul Ware-Lane pware.lane@yahoo.co.uk

along with a copy of the Competition rules

Our grateful thanks to our Sponsors EVERTON HYUNDAI GARAGE


Dave Whitt