BDBA: Constitution & Rules

2025 Season

Updated at the AGM on 08/12/2024


It will be known as the Bournemouth & District Bowling Association with headquarters at the Bowls Pavilion at Winton Recreation Ground, Fitzharris Avenue, Bournemouth, BH9 IBX or another place as the executive may from time to time determine.

The association colours are maroon, gold and cream.


  • To promote and foster the game of flat-green bowls in Bournemouth and the surrounding district.

  • To provide an organization for affiliated bowling clubs to pursue a common interest.

  • To adopt and enforce the laws of the sport.

  • To hold an annual league competition between affiliated clubs.

  • To hold annual competitions for the members of affiliated clubs.

  • To play friendly matches with local and touring bowling clubs and associations.

  • To enter into beneficial sponsorship agreements as the executive sees fit. 


Affiliated Club: A club that has been approved at the AGM, whose green(s) is/are in Bournemouth or surrounding district and conform to the laws of the sport.

Association Secretaries: The Competitions Secretary, General Secretary, League Secretary, Match Secretary and Treasurer.

Competitions: The annual knockout competitions played between members of affiliated clubs.

Elected Members: A person elected at the AGM to serve on the executive but without portfolio.

Full Member: A member of an affiliated club who has paid either (i) the club subscription fee for clubs where that fee allows play on the club's green(s) without further payment or (ii) the club subscription fee plus a season ticket fee in the case of where, in addition to the club subscription fee, a season ticket fee that allows play on the club's green(s) is payable to the club.

Laws of the sport: The current edition of the laws of the sport of bowls as issued by World Bowls, English variations to apply.

League: The annual league competition played between affiliated clubs.

Voting Members: The President, and each affiliated club. At an AGM or SGM, Executive members attending will not have a vote unless their club is not represented at the meeting, in this case, they will have one vote. In the event of a drawn vote the Chairman will have the deciding vote. During Executive meetings, each member will have one vote, if required, and a majority vote will carry the day. In the event of a drawn vote the Chairman will have the deciding vote. 


a) Admission to Membership: Clubs seeking admission to the Association must apply in writing to the General Secretary. The application must give the name and location of the club, number of members and names of the office bearers. The application must be accompanied by an entrance fee as determined at the AGM. The General Secretary will present the application to the AGM and a simple majority of those present and eligible to vote will determine whether the club is admitted to the association.

b) Suspension or Termination of membership: The Executive may require any affiliated club (or member thereof) whose conduct is such that it is prejudicial to the interests of the association (or injurious to its reputation) to account for such conduct. Following an enquiry, the executive may suspend or terminate association membership of the club concerned or member thereof. The club has the right of appeal to a general meeting of the association.  

c) Annual Subscription and Fees: The Treasurer must recommend and the AGM will set the rates of affiliation fees, competition and league fees.

d) Payment Date: Affiliated clubs must pay affiliation fees and league fees to the treasurer by 30th April each year. Any club failing to make these payments will be subject to a financial penalty as decided by the executive.    

e) Annual Returns: Each affiliated club will be sent an annual return together with notification of the AGM. This form must be returned no later than 31st December, containing details of the Club's Officers and other information as required for association administration.


a) AGM: The AGM will be held on one of the mornings on the first weekend in December but may be deferred to the second weekend should the executive decide. Those invited are representatives of affiliated clubs, Association Officers and Executive members, Association Past Presidents and Association Life Vice-Presidents.

i) The representatives consist of up to three members from each affiliated club, one of whom will be the Club Secretary unless he is already entitled to attend the meeting as an Association Officer, Past President or Life Vice-President.

ii) By 1st October each year, each Club Secretary will be sent an AGM pre-notification letter reminding affiliated clubs of the closing dates for notices of motions and nominations.

iii) At least fourteen days' notice of the AGM will be given. Each affiliated club's Secretary, the Association Officers and members of the Executive, Association Past Presidents and Association Life Vice-Presidents will be sent the agenda, including the financial statement for the year.

iv) All notices of motions for discussion must be received by 31st October. Each notice of motion must be proposed by an affiliated club and seconded by another affiliated club. The proposing club must submit the wording of the notice, signed by a duly authorised officer of the seconding club. The Executive of the Association may propose notices of motion each signed by the President or General Secretary.    

v) Any notice of motion considered by an AGM or SGM and not carried cannot be resubmitted until two clear years have elapsed, except with the approval of the Executive.

b) Special General Meeting: An SGM may be called at the discretion of the Association President or General Secretary or by written request to the General Secretary from any two affiliated clubs, giving particulars of the matter(s) to be discussed. Extra items cannot be included. No less than fourteen days' written notice of the meeting will be given by the agenda being sent to voting members.

A quorum is fifty percent of the voting members of the membership for both AGMS and SGMS.

c) Voting at General Meetings: At a general meeting each of the voting members has one vote. Before the start of the general meeting each of the voting members will be issued with a voting card. The voting card for each affiliated club will be given to the club representative who is in possession of the official notice of meeting. Voting will be by a display of these cards unless a secret ballot is required. The Chairman will appoint two tellers from amongst the Past Presidents and Life Vice-Presidents present to conduct any secret ballot.

i) A proposition or motion will succeed at a General Meeting if a simple majority of the votes cast are in favour of it.

ii) All elections for Officers and Executive Members must be by secret ballot. The candidate(s) receiving the highest number of votes will be elected.

iii) In the case of tied card votes or secret ballots, the President or Chairman has the casting vote.

d) Appointment of Officers and Executive:

i) The Officers for the ensuing year will be elected at the AGM as follows: Junior Vice- President, Treasurer, General Secretary, Competitions Secretary, League Secretary, Match Secretary and any other officers that may be recommended. The President and Senior Vice-President for the ensuing year will be the current year's Senior Vice-President and Junior Vice-President respectively. The current year's President will become the Immediate Past President for the ensuing year.

ii) Affiliated clubs may submit nominations for Junior Vice-President, the Association Secretaries and the three elected members. The closing date for these nominations is the 31st October. The nominations do not have to be seconded. The Executive may nominate any Association Secretary or elected member who wishes to continue in office. The Executive may also nominate the Junior Vice-President, any Association Secretary or elected member(s) should there be no nominations forthcoming for the office from affiliated clubs by the closing date for nominations. Except for those who wish to continue in office, the Executive may not nominate candidates to a particular office if that office has a nominee(s) from affiliated clubs notified by the closing date for nominations. Should there be no nominations for a vacant office at the time of the AGM, a suitable candidate may be appointed by the AGM.


The President of the Association will be the Chairman of all meetings and committees. Should the president be absent from any such meetings, then the Senior Vice-President or the Junior Vice-President will act as Chairman. Failing any of these, the Chairman will be selected from and by those attending the meeting.


a) The Executive consists of the President, Senior Vice-President, Junior Vice-President, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, General Secretary, Competitions Secretary, League Secretary, Match Secretary and three elected members.

b) It is the duty of the Executive to implement the decisions of the AGM and/or SGM. The Executive has the necessary power to conduct the business of the association.

c) Office Vacancies: The Executive has the power to fill any vacancy that may arise during the year. The person appointed will hold office only until the next AGM, although his club may nominate him to continue in office in accordance with Rule 5(d) (ii) above. The Executive may not nominate him to continue in office unless no other nomination is forthcoming.

d) Assistants to Officers: The Executive has the power to appoint an assistant to the Treasurer or any of its secretaries as necessary. The assistant has the right to attend all meetings but with voting rights only in the absence of the office holder. If an officer decides not to seek re-election at an AGM and there is an assistant to that Officer appointed, the Executive may nominate that assistant to be appointed to the office. The nomination will be subject to election at the AGM with any others nominated.

e) Honoraria: The Executive Committee shall determine which office holders shall receive honoraria and shall set the amounts to be paid. The total amount paid out in honoraria shall be clearly shown in the Annual Statement of Accounts presented to the Association’s AGM.

f) Quorum: At all meetings of the Executive fifty percent of the membership forms a quorum.

g) Sub-committees: The Executive has the power to appoint sub-committees at its discretion. The Executive will determine the composition and quorum for a sub- committee as it sees fit. Sub-committees have no power to bind the association but must report and make recommendations to the executive as necessary.


Two accounts examiners, not being Association Officers or Executive Members will be elected at the AGM. Affiliated clubs and the Executive may nominate Accounts Account’s Examiners to inspect the accounts and both Examiners must satisfy themselves that the financial statement is a true record of Association finances, and they shall sign it accordingly. If they are not satisfied with the financial statement, the accounts examiners must report to the Executive any areas of concern.


At the AGM, the Executive may recommend any person whose service to the Association has been such that it merits the distinction and honour of being appointed a Life Vice-President. The AGM will confirm the appointment by a simple majority of voting members.


a) Treasurer:

i) To receive all monies of the association and to pay this into the association's bank or building society account. Withdrawals are made on the signature of either the Treasurer, the General Secretary or the Match Secretary up to a maximum of £250.00. Withdrawals over £250.00 require the signatures of any two of the three officers.

ii) To advise the Executive as to the number and type of bank or building society accounts that are kept in the Association's name.

iii) To maintain proper records and accounts.

iv) To present at the AGM a financial statement made up to 30th September each year.

v) To present to the executive, during the financial year, details of income and expenditure to date.

b) General Secretary:

i) To conduct the correspondence of the Association.

ii) To record the minutes of all meetings.

iii) To perform all duties as may be required to conduct the running of the Association and to implement the decisions made at General, Special or Committee meetings.

iv) To oversee the association website, if applicable and to ensure that appropriate administration information is posted on the site.

c) Other Association Secretaries:

i) To conduct the day to day running of their respective portfolios.

  • Competitions Secretary: knockout competitions

  • League Secretary: league competitions

  • Match Secretary: friendly matches

ii) To present a written report to the AGM on the year's activities.

iii) To ensure that information relating to their office is posted on the association website as appropriate.

iv) To ensure only essential personal data collated from clubs are used appropriately, following GDPR guidance, and that content on social media channels are routinely monitored so that our organisation is not brought into disrepute.


The competition and league regulations are contained in separate Annexes A and B, which are part of these Rules. (These regulations are displayed on this website under the headings “Competitions and Leagues”) 


Neither the Association nor any Officer thereof will be liable to any affiliated club or member or any Association or member for any loss or damage to any property occurring from whatever cause in or about Association premises, nor for any injury sustained by any club or member or Association or member whilst on or entering or leaving the association's premises. A note to this effect must be displayed in a prominent position on the association premises. 


The Executive must ensure that the association makes provision to effect adequate indemnity insurance to cover potential personal injury and property loss risks to the association as it may deem necessary.


a) If the Association passes in General Meeting by a majority comprising two thirds or more of the voting members a resolution of its intention to dissolve, the Executive must take immediate steps to convert into money all the property of the Association with power, however, to postpone or delay the conversion of any particular property if the Association in General Meeting so authorizes.

b) From the proceeds of such conversion all debts and liabilities of the Association including the expenses of such conversion, will be discharged and any balance remaining will be disposed of as the association in general meeting resolves and thereupon the Association will for all purposes be dissolved.

c) If within six months after the date of the resolution, the Association has not disposed of the remaining balance, it will be divided equally between all affiliated clubs at the date of the dissolution resolution.


B&DBA has a legal and moral obligation to exercise its duty of care to protect all children (those under 18 years) and vulnerable adults (as defined under current legislation) participating in its activities and to safeguard their welfare. They will exercise its duty of care irrespective of age, gender, religion, race or disability of those children and adults and treat them with respect and dignity.

The B&DBA will follow the relevant policies and guidelines as designated by Bowls England in particular all policies under the heading of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion


These rules and constitution will be published on the website. In addition, an annual electronic yearbook will be circulated to each General Secretary and Club President. Each affiliated club must ensure that a copy of the yearbook and constitution rules are available to their club members. 


No alteration or addition to these rules and constitution will be made except at the AGM or an SGM called for that purpose. The General Secretary will distribute notices detailing the proposed alterations according to Rule 4 above.


These regulations are subject to alteration temporarily, as necessary, by the Executive to deal with any unforeseen circumstances which may occur during the season.  Any alterations will be communicated to member clubs as soon as possible and will cease to have effect after the completion of the League season, unless made permanent at an AGM.