Officers & Committee

The Association could not function without the dedication of a large number of volunteers from the affiliated Bowling Clubs.

The Office Holders for the 2025 season are:

President: Mike Sykes (Knyveton Gardens)

Senior Vice-President: Richard Handyside (Knyveton Gardens)

Junior Vice-President: John Walsh (Braeside)

Immediate Past President: John Watts (Pelhams)

General Secretary: Chris Dennis (Branksome Park)

League Secretary: Dave Whitt (Kings Park)

Competition Secretary: Colin Bingley (Bournemouth)

Match Secretary: Roger Baksa (Bournemouth)

Treasurer: John Slater (Argyll)

Elected Members (3):

Peter Fisher (Argyll)

Chris Hollier (Branksome Park)

Mike Wigmore (Braeside)
